InSitu is a Woodstock based creative space: primarily a site of production in the fine arts of drawing, painting and sculpture, we also host shows and art related events. Formalised in 2019 out of a desire to create a independent/communal studio and exhibition space for a dynamic group of artists, and as a home for the Untitled teaching practice. For people who want to own art and have it be a part of their lives, the space invites you to connect directly with practicing artists. Come visit. If you see any work here you like then feel free to get in touch and introductions can be made!
The studio produces and exhibits a dynamic range of art works rigorous in form and content. As part of an ideology of Art for Life, we encourages direct interaction with artists rather than through other gatekeepers of fashion. Works are available for purchase at prices much more reasonable than those of the Gallery so get in touch if you see anything of interest to enliven your home or decorate your walls.

This huge exhibition was a survey of the last year of extraordinary work, a salon hanging to celebrate the richness and diversity of themes and strategies of that the studio fosters. The goal was to celebrate complexity and contradiction and the richness of contemporary life despite it's struggles whith this very playfully curated show.


Used Paint ran from the 7th to the 20th December 2019.
The second of our studio exhibitions, the show focussed on paintings that emphasised the material aspect of painting as a vehicle for meaning, thought and feeling rather than an antiquated mode of picture making. The show featured work by Loraine Boyle, Alexia Smit
Participating artists include: Loraine Boyle, Di Burger, Clare Burgess, Hory Bwens, Douglas Gimberg, Lindy von Hasselt, Peter Hobday, Georgina Jaffee, Colin Kahanovitz, Michelle Kuttel, Zsuzsa Kandra, Suzanne Leighton, Barbara Lewis, Jeff Liss, Jeanne Pfaff, Alexia Smit, Evon Smuts, Jenna Wessels, Paul Whelan, Melanie Widan and others.
IMAGES FROM Description Without Place

Description without Place ran from the 22nd to the 26th June 2019.
The exhibition takes its title from the Poem by Wallace Stevens, as encountered in the context of Alain Badiou's theory of contemporary art: & The conflict between being and appearance takes the central place in his philosophy, a relationship particularly fraught in the history (and more so in the present) of representational art. It is this dynamic, as well as Badiou's declaration that the imperative of contemporary art is to speak the unspeakable, or give shape to that which exists as of yet unrecognized, that provides the framework for the presentation of works produced for the show or curated from the archives.
Participating artists include: Loraine Boyle, Di Burger, Clare Burgess, Hory Bwens, Bronwen Carr, Douglas Gimberg, Andrew Graham, Lindy von Hasselt, Leroux Hofmeyr, Georgina Jaffee, Colin Kahanovitz, Lungisa Kala, James de Knoop, Michelle Kuttel, Zsuzsa Kandra, Suzanne Leighton, Barbara Lewis, Jeff Liss, Nøde, Jeanne Pfaff, Conrad Pienaar, Otto du Plessis, Trevor Potter, Cindy Postlethwayt, Emil Rutenberg, Andre Serfontein, Yoram Shabat, Christine Silkstone, Adrienne Silva, Anthony Smith, Evon Smuts, Benjamin Stanwix, Johan Steyn, Stanislaw Trzebinski, Lynette Varkel, Andre Vlok, Jenna Wessels, Paul Whelan, Melanie Widan and others.

72 x 50,

Reclining Nude 425x700mm R3000